A reservation is required.
We use OnlineAppReservation, an open-source project that allows us to manage our reservations online. OnlineAppReservation lets you make a conditional reservation for one or more seats at a time. A question mark indicates available seats. For example, if your party consists of 7 people, OnlineAppReservation would let you select the number of seats for 1 through 7 and choose whether or not each seat is taken by marking it with another question mark or leaving it blank. It also includes customizable calendar functionality, which may be used to process single reservations as well as recurring ones. Please note that OnlineAppReservation is unsupported by our company, so any issues should be handled through the project owner only without involving us. OnlineAppReservation is currently available for testing purposes only. OnlineAppReservation includes OnlineApp. OnlineApp is an open-source project that allows you to design, develop and deploy cross-platform web, desktop, and mobile applications seamlessly across all devices. OnlineApp has been discontinued by the owner because of personal reasons. OnlineApp is currently unavailable for use.
OnlineApp’s simple yet effective interface makes it easy to manage your appointments online with OnlineApp via OnlineAppCalendar.
The following will be required when making reservations using OnlineApp:
- Email address (for setting up accounts)
- Credit card information (Only required for recurring monthly reservations)
- Personal information (to create accounts). Please note that this information will be shared with OnlineApp.
- OnlineApp’s Terms and Conditions (required to create accounts). OnlineApp is a third party, so any issues should be handled through OnlineApp only without involving us directly. OnlineApp is currently available for testing purposes only. OnlineApp includes OnlineAppCalendar, an open-source project that allows users to interface with OnlineApp seamlessly from their Android device through OnlineAppsOnlineServer.
Offline access is available via OfflineAccessRequired, which requires you have the password but does not require account login or credit card information.
The following will be required when making offline reservations using OfflineAccessRequired:
- Password (to access your previous history of offline reservations)
- Credit card information(required if you would like to make a reservation for an amount such as $50.00 )
- Personal information (to create your account). Please note that this information will be shared with OfflineAccessRequired.
- OfflineAccessReturns’s Terms and Conditions (required to create accounts). OnlineApp is a third party, so any issues should be handled through OnlineApp only without involving us directly. OnlineApp is currently available for testing purposes only. OnlineApp includes OnlineAppsOfflineServer, an open-source project that allows users to interface with OnlineApp seamlessly from their desktop computer through OnlineAppsOnlineServer.
Offline access is available via OfflineAccessRequired, which requires you have the password but does not require account login or credit card information. OnlineApp is currently unavailable for use. OnlineApp requires OnlineAppsSystem, an open-source project that allows users to interface with OnlineApp seamlessly via OnlineAppsOnlineServer. Offline access is available via OfflineAccessRequired, which requires you have the password but does not require account login or credit card information.